Monday, October 25, 2010

1/144 HGUC RX-0 Unicorn Gundam Destroy Mode

Oh man that's a mouth-full. Any way, no pictures for a while as the weather has decided to go crazy and I don't know when I'll be able to take any more pictures outside (since I can use the stand I got from my 1/144 00 Qan[t]).

For anyone who doesn't know Unicorn has two forms, Destroy Mode and Unicorn Mode. Destroy Mode is permanently in Destroy Mode unlike the MG that can change between the two. While this may put some off, it probably puts more on to the model (or at least the ones like me who have problems with the MG). This is probably one of the rarer cases of a 1/144 scale kit being more articulate than a 1/100 scale kit, but its really true. The 1/144 Unicorn has much better articulation than the MG, probably due to the fact that its stuck in one form and none of the parts need to slide or move as part of the transformation. However, the articulation isn't that great, it can hold it's gun properly and is fairly stable, but don't expect 1/144 00 levels of articulation.

The level of detail is great, as usual, for the HGUC line (the newer kits at any rate). There are relatively few panel lines and if you are big on painting, it requires very little as the red bits don't really need anything to make them better.

Overall I really like this kit, much more than its MG counterpart. However if you are looking for a kit with amazing articulation, look elsewhere Unicorn has a couple poses that work well, and it should stay in one of those poses. I almost want to say this is one of those must have kits, but I've heard quite a few people say they don't like the design of Unicorn so I'm going to give it a status of "Buy" and not "Must Have."

Overall rating:
4 out of 5

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