Tuesday, May 11, 2010

HGUC 1/144 Full Armor Gundam 7th

At first glance this looks like a large model. Surprisingly, its not that big once you remove the giant cannon on the shoulder. I really like this model which somewhat surprises me sometimes considering it has a grand total of three accessories, the giant gun, the beam rifle, and the shield. If I had to pic one flaw with this kit that isn't related to weight, it would be the lack of beam sabers, all kits should include beam saber.

My biggest issue with this kit? Weight distribution. The above picture should make it obvious that this kit does not stand well, and it took me a good five minutes to get the thing in a decent standing pose. The giant cannon on the shoulder is the prime offender as the opposite shoulder doesn't have anything to counter balance the weight. The binders on the rear skirt armor look heavy, and they are, but when you remove the shoulder cannon, they actually don't mess with the balance much. I do however think they look stupid. This picture shows about how much articulation your going to get out of the kit, it just isn't there which is entirely understandable. Side note, I do not have a 1/144 scale stand so I can't really test to see how much better it is with one. I would however generally recommend a stand for this guy.

This is about the extent of the pictures I could pull off without a stand, so if I get one I may take a few more.

So overall this is a nice kit with a pretty annoying weight issue that can be remedied with a stand or removing the cannon. The detail is nice but then again all the armored GMs and Gundam kits seem this way. If you are making an order and want another kit I would recommend this guy, however if you are just getting one kit, look elsewhere.

Overall: 3 out of 5

All the pictures:


  1. Do you have the HGAD Virtue? How does the weight distribution of that kit compared to this? I own the Virtue so I was hoping to get a better idea of how good this one is.

  2. If you have HGUC Sazabi, the weight distribution is similar to it (or maybe I just built mine badly).
